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Unit 5 (Grade 6)

 Unit 5 The Monkeys Go Fasting (Page 41)


a. What do you think the monkeys are doing in the picture?

b. Do you have a meeting in your family? Why?


A. Read the story and match the following words with their meanings.

a. fasting                 i. showed agreement by lowering head

b. nodded                ii. staying without food for longer time

c. delicious              iii. having a strong desire to eat food

d. hungry                iv. make commitment to do something

e. promise               v. very tasty


a.      fasting              i. staying without food for longer time

b.     nodded             ii. showed agreement by lowering head

c.      delicious           iii. very tasty

d.     hungry             iv. having a strong desire to eat food

e.      promise            v. make commitment to do something


B. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order.

a. Young monkeys brought delicious-looking bananas.

b. All the monkeys ate the bananas and their fasting was over.

c. The monkeys peeled bananas and put in their mouths.

d. The monkeys decided to go on a fast.

e. The monkeys felt very hungry after they saw bananas.



a.      The monkeys decided to go on fast.

b.     Young monkeys brought delicious-looking bananas.

c.      The monkeys felt very hungry after they saw bananas.

d.     The monkeys peeled the bananas and put in their mouth.

e.      All the monkeys ate the bananas and their fasting was over.


C. Write short answers to the following questions.

a. What did the monkeys agree on?

b. Why did the old monkey suggest young monkeys to collect food?

c. What made the fat monkey hungry?

d. Why did the monkeys divide the bananas?

e. Why did they decide to put the peeled bananas in their mouth?



a.      They agreed to go on a fast.

b.     The old monkey suggested young monkeys to collect some food because they would be starved soon if no food was stored.

c.      The delicious bananas made the fat monkey hungry.

d.     The monkeys divided the bananas because they wouldn’t get time distributing the bananas after they broke their fast.

e.      They decided to put the peeled bananas in their mouth so that they could chew the bananas immediately fasting was over.



A. Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings from the box.

I would go to meet him. You could win the race.

I would tell her the answer. I would fly in the sky.

We could secure good marks.

a. If I were a bird,

b. If you ran fast,

c. If he called me,

d. If we studied carefully,

e. If she asked me,


a. If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.

b. If you ran fast, you could win the race.

c. If he called me, I would go to meet him.

d. If we studied carefully, we could secure good marks.

e. If she asked me, I would tell her the answer.

Now underline the verb forms in the above sentences.

a. If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.

b. If you ran fast, you could win the race.

c. If he called me, I would go to meet him.

d. If we studied carefully, we could secure good marks.

e. If she asked me, I would tell her the answer.


B. Study the following sentences and their meanings.

a. If the weather improved, we could go for a walk. (It is not likely that the weather will improve.)

b. If people complained, things would change. (People don’t complain at the moment.)

c. If there were more buses, we would leave the car at home. (It is unlikely that there will be more buses.)

d. I would buy a house if I had enough money. (It is unlikely that I will have the money.)

C. Choose the five words which complete each sentence.

a. How would we keep in ……………touch?

to           didn’t          we     have  if      did     computers

b. If she …….., ……………… going out with her.

he          beautiful      wouldn’t      isn’t   wasn’t         being           be

c. If people ………………, …………. be fewer wars.

more      would          there wouldn’t      were are

d. If you……………., ………….be able to communicate.  

speak     spoke          speaking      couldn’t       wouldn’t      we English


a. How would we keep in if we didn’t have computers to touch?

b. If she wasn't beautiful, he wouldn’t be going out with her.

c. If people were more, there would be fewer wars.

d. If you spoke English, we would be able to communicate. 


D. Rewrite the suggestions using the given beginnings.

a. If I were you, I would go to a dentist.

You should....

b. You should report it to the police.

Why don't you....?

c. You should take hot water.

If I were you....

d. Why don't you ask your sister for help?

You should....


a.      You should go to dentist.

b.     Why don’t you report it to the police?

c.      If I were you, I would take hot water.

d.      You should ask your sister for help.

For Unit 6, click here.

For unit 4, click here

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