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Unit 4 (Grade 6)

Unit 4

Reading I Festivals of Nepal (Page 33)


a. What are the people doing in the pictures?

b. What festivals do you celebrate?

c. What festival do you like most? Why?

A. Complete the following table.


Who is it celebrated by?

When is it celebrated?

What do people do?

Buddha Jayanti

Buddhist people

Baisakh Purnima

pray to lord Buddha


Muslim people

in Saun

exchange greetings, recite Namaj


Hindu people

in Kartik

worship goddess Laxmi


Hindu people of Terai region

in Kartik Shukla Shasthi

Go to the bank of the rivers, ponds or lakes and pray the setting sun


Christian people

25th December

Go to church and pray to Jesus

B. Find the words from the text for the following meanings.

a. full moon day

b. a structure erected to commemorate persons or events

c. repeat aloud from memory

d. name of Goddess prayed during Chhath

e. marked by some ceremony or observation


a.      Purnima

b.     Monument

c.      Recite

d.     Chhathi Maiya

e.      celebrated

C. Talk about a local festival celebrated in your community. Try talking about: what it is, when it is celebrated and what activities people do.


A.  Read the class rules on the whiteboard. Tick () the rules you have in your class.

a. Try your hardest in class. ……………….

b. Enjoy your work. ……………….

c. Close the window if you’re cold. ……………….

d. Put your hand up to ask a question. ……………….

e. Don’t shout out! ……………….

f. Don’t hit other children. ……………….

g. Don’t chew gum. ……………….

The above are imperative sentences. Remember! You can use ‘please’ to be more polite.

Examples: Please put the plates on the table.

Don’t make so much noise please.

Be careful!

Don’t say ‘you’ and use the verb without to.


B. Put the words in correct order to make sentences.

Example: salt Pass me please the

Pass me the salt please.

a. door please Answer the

b. lunch Don’t your forget

c. English Speak please in

d. Wait please for me


a.     Answer the door please.

b.     Don’t forget your lunch.

c.      Speak in English please.

d.     Wait for me please.



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