Unit 7 Ecology and Development
Foresters without
Ways with words
A. Match the words
with their meanings.
a. constituency - iv. electoral district
b. pursue- iii. to follow in an effort to
overtake or capture
c. infiltrate - to enter or gain access to (an
organization, place, etc.) secretly and gradually
d. nomadic - ii. living the life of roaming
e. anatomy- vi. art of studying the different
parts of any organized body
f. subversive - i. seeking or intended to
overthrow an established system or institution
B. Study the following
words. (Look at page 66)
C. Make two other
words by using each prefix given above and use them in sentences.
Malnutrition- Children
of slum areas are suffered from the problem of malnutrition.
Nonprofit- CON is a nonprofit
Answer these
a. What did Maathai decide
to do for the community?
Answer: Maathai
decided to create jobs for the community: cleaning their constituency, planting
trees and shrubs, cleaning home of richer people in the communities and getting
paid for those services.
b. Mention the
problems faced by women in Kenya.
Answer: The problems
faced by women in Kenya were problems of firewood, malnutrition, lack of food
and adequate water, unemployment and soil erosion.
c. Why did the speaker
go to the women to talk about planting trees?
Answer: The speaker
went to the women to talk about planting trees because the women were most
affected by the problems of firewood, malnutrition, lack of food and adequate
water, unemployment and soil erosion, and were concerned about children and
d. What is the most
important achievement of the movement described in the text?
Answer: The women were
independent, had acquired knowledge and techniques, had become empowered. They
have been teaching each other. They were also abe to recognize seedling and
germinate and plant them.
d. Why were the
foresters’ ways not helpful to the women for planting trees?
Answer: The foresters’
ways were not helpful to the women for planting trees because they have complicated
ways of dealing with a very simple thing like looking for seeds and planting
e. When and how did
she start The Green Belt Movement?
Answer: On June 5, 1977 which was the day World Environment Day of she started
The Green Belt Movement by planting the first seven trees.
f. Why do the donors
want to provide money to the women?
Answer: The donors
want to provide money to the women because the efforts of women are providing
g. What happened when
the speaker criticized the political leadership?
Answer: The speaker
has been portrayed as subversive when the speaker criticized the political
h. Mention the
agencies that supported her movement.
The agencies that
supported her movement are:
the United Nations
Development Fund for Women, the Danish Voluntary Fund, the Norwegian Agency for
International Development and the African Development Foundation.
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