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On Libraries (Essay) Exercise

 On Libraries

by Oliver Sack

Understanding the text

a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?

Answer: The author could be found in the library when he was late for lunch or dinner.

b. What are his first memories?

Answer: The beautiful oak panel library and books are his first memories.

c. Why did he dislike school?

Answer: He disliked school because he had to listen to the teachers passively following their orders. He was free and liked to learn himself what he wanted in the library.

d. What did he feel about at the library?

Answer: At the library, he felt free to look at the thousands of books. He got opportunity to roam and to enjoy the free and special atmosphere. He also got company of other readers like him on the missions of their own.

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

Answer: He was so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry because of his growing interest in science.

f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?

Answer: He became so fascinated by Theodore Hook because he found books of him in the Bodleian library. He was greatly admired in the early nineteenth century for his wit and his genius for theatrical and musical improvisation.

g. Describe library at the Queen's College.

Answer: The library building was magnificent. It had been designed by Christopher Wren. He was a great architect. Beneath the library there was an underground large room. The heating pipes attached to the walls and corners. The design of the library was classical. This library was full of ancient books. The books were of original prints and editions. 

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

Answer: The students ignored the bookshelves in the 1990s because they could access the books of their interest in the computers. Most of the books were digitalized. They felt more comfortable reading books in their computers rather than in the libraries.

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?

Answer: He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because various books of the library were thrown out of the shelves. The books of libraries were gone one by one because of the presence of digital books so he was very sad as well as horrified. 

Reference to the context

a. The author says, "I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener." Justify it with the textual evidences.

Answer: The author says, “I was not a good pupil but I was a good listener” because he disliked school. He didn’t like sitting in the classroom, receiving instruction and information from the teachers and obeying them. Listening to their instructions seemed to go in one ear and out by the other. He was not a good pupil in the sense that he didn’t pay attention to the message conveyed by the teachers but he listened without making noise so he was a good listener. At the library, he felt free to look at the thousands of books. He got opportunity to roam and to enjoy the free and special atmosphere. He also got company of other readers like him on the missions of their own.

b. A proverb says, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

Answer: The proverb “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library” is suitable for the essay. In this essay the essayist has dealt about the significance of exploring the library. When he was a child, his favorite room was the the library of his house. Books and his library are among his first memories. Nothing gave much satisfaction than reading the books in the library for the essayist. He disliked school. He didn’t like sitting in the classroom, receiving instruction and information from the teachers and obeying them.  He gave a deaf ear to learning in the classroom. He enjoyed the environment of the libraries and companionship with other readers in the library. He talked about the charms of reading books in the library. Thus, the proverb 'nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library, applies in the essay,

c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library?

Answer: Libraries are established to provide benefits for the readers. Generally, it is a room with several books. In the past the library shelves were equipped with many paper based books but now the tradition has been changed. It is required to have a good range of books which interest the readers. Because of the availability of digital materials, I’d like to see internet service added to the library. There should be different audio, visual books and materials in the library. The users should get the chance to use their own mobile phones or laptops to connect to the library's network for downloading and reading E-books, journals, magazines or using other online sources for learning. I would like to see the books written in braille so that blind people can read and enjoy there.

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