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Class 7 (Unit 7) Part II

 Unit 7 (Part II)

Reading II (page 71)

Answer these questions.

a. What two things are shown in the picture?

Answer: A sword and a pen are shown in the picture.

b. What does the picture imply?

Answer: They imply that each of them has its own existence and value.

c. Do you think that the pen is more useful than the sword? Why?

Answer: Yes, I think that the pen is more useful than the sword because pen can make plan to use sword.

The pen is mightier than the sword

A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

a. enormous          i. providing a good example for people to copy

b. supremacy         ii. to accept something

c. enslave              iii. extremely large

d. exemplary         iv. a position in which you have more power or status

e. violence             v. to make somebody a slave

f. adopt                 vi. Physical force so as to damage


a. enormous         -extremely large

b. supremacy       -a position in which you have more power or status

c. enslave              -to make somebody a slave

d. exemplary        -providing a good example for people to copy

e. violence            -physical force so as to damage

f. adopt                -to accept something

B. Complete the sentences with the words from the columns A above.

a               Is there too much …………….. on TV?

b               The company has established total ………………. over its rivals.

c               The boy has made a/an …………………… record. Follow him.

d               The turnip is …………………. . It weighs 1 kg.



a               Is there too much violence on TV?

b               The company has established total suprimacy over its rivals.

c               The boy has made a/an exemplary record. Follow him.

d               The turnip is enormous It weighs 1 kg.

C. Read the text and write True or False against the following statements.

a               The speaker is thankful to all the audience.

b               One can enslave the other's heart and mind too.

c               Writers are always remembered by people.

d               The mental ability of human beings makes them superior to other animals.

e               The speaker says that violence never helps.

f                The writer believes that the pen is mightier than the sword.


a               The speaker is thankful to all the audience. True

b               One can enslave the other's heart and mind too. False

c               Writers are always remembered by people. True

d               The mental ability of human beings makes them superior to other animals. True

e               The speaker says that violence never helps. True

f                The writer believes that the pen is mightier than the sword. True

What arguments does the speaker make to support her statement 'The pen is mightier than the sword'? List the main point.


Grammar II (page 74)

A.           Study the following sentences.

a.             I'm just leaving my office. I'll be home in an hour.

b.             Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.

c.             Mina is going to a new school next month.

d.             What are you doing next week?

e.             Are you listening to me?

f.              Are they coming to the party?

g.             I'm tired. I'm not doing that.

h.             She isn't going home until Tuesday.

B.           What is happening in the picture below? Write as many sentences as you can.


a               They are planting.

b              Some of them are bringing plants.

c               Some of them are digging holes.

d              The lady in white dress is putting manure into the holes.

e               The lady in red dress near the man is planting very carefully……..

C.           Use present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. It could be affirmative, negative or a question.

Example:. ---------------- (you/come) tonight?

Are you coming tonight?

a. ………………… (he/eat) rice every day?

b. I ………………… (work) at the moment.

c. ………………… (he/go) to Kathmandu often?

d. They ………………… (not/come) to the party tomorrow.

e. They ………………… (go) to a restaurant every Saturday.

f. She ………………… (not/go) to the cinema very often.

g. I ………………… (not/drink) coffee very often.

h. Keep quiet! Julie ………………… (sleep) now.

i. I am ………………… (read) a story these days.


a. Does he rice every day?

c. I am working at the moment.

d. Does he go to Kathmandu often?

e. They are not coming to the party tomorrow.

f. They go to a restaurant every Saturday.

g. She doesn’t go to the cinema very often.

h. I don’t drink coffee very often.

i. Keep quiet! Julie is sleeping now.

j. I am reading a story these days.


For unit eight CLICK HERE.

For Contents CLICK HERE.


For unit six CLICK HERE.

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  1. thank you mr dev sir for this answers .. can you please add class 7 maths.
