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Unit 7 (Grade 9 ) Ecology and Environment - Part I


Unit 7 Ecology and Environment

Part I

Getting started

Look at the picture and talk about the components of environment.






Reading I (page 79)

Answer these questions.

a.           What preparations do you and your family make as the winter season approaches?

b.           How do animals and birds protect themselves from the cold?


a.     We prepare different items like food, shelter clothes etc. for the winter season.

b.     Animals and birds protect themselves by migrating to warm places.


How do Animals Spend the Winter?


A.        Find the words from the text that have the following meanings.

a.        a shop that sells food and other things used in homes

b.        related to the regions around the North Pole

c.        an underground passage

d.        to find the right way to deal with a difficult situation

e.        a person who works on a ship as a member of the crew

f.         to change behaviour in order to deal more successfully with a new situation

g.        a very small green or yellow plant that spreads over wet surfaces, rocks, trees, etc.

h.        to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear



a. grocery

b. Arctic

c. tunnel

d. navigate

e. sailor

f. adapt

g. moss

h. huddle



B.         Read the paragraphs A-E and match them to the suitable titles.

     Paragraphs                     Titles

A                                                                                                  Going into a Deep Sleep

B                                                                                                   Migration to New Places

C                                                                                                   Other Ways to Survive

D                                                                                                  Living in Underground Holes

E                                                                                                   Adaptation to New Weather



A----- Migration to new places

B----- Adaptation to New Weather

C----- Living in underground Holes

D----- Going into Deep Sleep

E----- Other ways to Survive

C.        Write True or False against the following statements.

a.          Animals wear thick coats to protect themselves from the cold.

b.         Flying in flocks helps birds protect themselves from the cold.

c.          Birds do not travel far to avoid the cold.

d.         Some animals collect extra food for winter.

e.          Snow fleas hybernate in winter.

f.           Cold water makes it difficult for some animals to breathe.



a. False

b. False

c. False

d. True

e. False

f. False


D.        Answer the following questions.

a.          Why do birds migrate in groups?

b.         What controls the migration cycle of birds?

c.          How do birds find the same place for migration each year?

d.         Why do you think squirrels and mice huddle close together in winter?

e.          How do animals maintain energy during hibernation?

f.           How do frogs, turtles and fish change their habitats to survive in winter?



a. Birds migrate in groups to balance the weather as well as to be safe.

b. Changes in the amount of daylight and the weather control the migration cycle of birds.

c. Birds find the same place for migration each year by using the sun, moon, stars etc. 

d. I think squirrels and mice huddle close together in winter to stay warm.

e. Animals maintain energy by storing the food as body fat during hibernation.

f. Frogs, turtles and fish change their habitats by hibernating in the holes to survive in the winter.



Grammar I

A.        Study the following sentences.

a.           If you heat snow, it melts.

b.           If it rains, you will get wet.

c.           If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus.

d.           What will you do if you miss the plane?

e.           I may finish that letter if I have time.

f.            If you want to borrow a book from the library, show your library card.

g.           Water changes into vapour if it is heated.


B.         Use the correct form of the verbs from the brackets to complete the sentences.

a.           If you call me, I ……… (come).

b.           If you ……… (not leave), I'll call the police.

c.           Somebody ……… (notice) if you make a mistake.

d.           If I see her, I ……… (tell) her to call you.

e.           She ……… (be) very angry if you don’t apologise.

f.            They will be happy if we ……… (invite) them to the party.

g.           Will they pay any more if I ……… (work) harder?

h.           If you don’t lock your bicycle, someone ……… (steal) it.

i.             I ……… (lend) you some money if you promise not to waste it.

j.             Unless you use your English, it ……… (not improve).

k.           You must study hard if you ……… (want) to join college.


a.           If you call me, I will come.

b.           If you don’t leave, I'll call the police.

c.           Somebody will notice if you make a mistake.

d.           If I see her, I will tell her to call you.

e.           She will be very angry if you don’t apologise.

f.            They will be happy if we invite them to the party.

g.           Will they pay any more if I work harder?

h.           If you don’t lock your bicycle, someone will steal it.

i.             I will lend you some money if you promise not to waste it.

j.             Unless you use your English, it can't be improved.

k.           You must study hard if you want to join college.

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