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Class 7 (Unit 11) Part II


Unit 11 (Part II)

Reading II (page 114)


Answer the questions.

a. Which city is shown in the pictures?

Answer: The city in the picture is the capital city of Nepal, Kathamndu.

b. Why is it famous?

Answer: The city is famous for its vast historic and cultural importance.


A. Match the words with their meanings.

a. hub                             i. next to or joined to something

b. carved                        ii. the parts of a city that are furthest from the centre

c. adjoining                     iii. a round roof with a circular base

d. pronouncements          iv. weak or easily hurt

e. outskirts                      v. construction spreading in an ugly way

f. dome                           vi. a central point

g. vulnerable                   vii. formal public statements

h. sprawl                         viii. having the patterns on something made by cutting


a. hub                            vi. a central point

b. carved                       viii. having the patterns on something made by cutting

c. adjoining                    i. next to or joined to something

d. pronouncements        vii. formal public statements

e. outskirts                     ii. the parts of a city that are furthest from the centre

f. dome                           iii. a round roof with a circular base

g. vulnerable                  iv. weak or easily hurt

h. sprawl                        v. construction spreading in an ugly way


B. Complete the sentences with the above words.

a. The government made some___________ on changes in its policy.

b. They live on the ____________of Kathmandu.

c. The roof of the stadium looks like a _____________

d. Old people are highly ______________to the flu.

e. The airport has become an international _________________.

f. The __________________ door of the temple looks nice.

g. They live in __________________ rooms.



a. The government made some pronouncements on changes in its policy.

b. They live on the outskirts of Kathmandu.

c. The roof of the stadium looks like a dome.

d. Old people are highly vulnerable to the flu.

e. The airport has become an international hub.

f. The carved door of the temple looks nice.

g. They live in adjoining rooms.

C. Answer the following questions.

a. What does Kasthamandap mean?

b. What caused the construction of modern style buildings in Kathmandu?

c. Who built Taleju temple?

d. What is meant by Tundikhel?

e. Where is Boudhanath located?

f. Why did UNESCO enlist various sites of Kathmandu in World Heritage List?



a. Kasthamandap refers to a wooden temple said to have been built from the wood of a single tree.

b. Destruction caused by an earthquake in 1934 resulted in the construction of many modern-style buildings.

c. Raja Mahindra Malla built Taleju temple.

d.Tundikhel means  a large grass-covered ground for horses races.

e. Boudhanath is located about 3 miles (5 km) northeast of Tundikhel.

f. UNESCO enlisted various sites of Kathmandu in World Heritage List for its vast historic and cultural importance.


Grammar II (Page 117)

A. Study the following sentences.

a. My name is Ram Karki. What is your name?

b. I'm from Dhading. Where are you from?

c. She is sad because she's lost the match. Why is she sad?

d. She is my sister. Who's she?

e. Banks open at 10 o'clock. When do banks open?

B. Make questions for these statements so that the answer will be the bold words.

a. They went to Spain.

b. He writes novels.

c. The girls watched a movie.

d. He discovered the truth.

e. I am leaving at 7:00 am.

f. This is my book.

g. He runs fast.

h. I like pop music.

i. There are twenty students.

j. The film was interesting.



a. Where did they go to?

b. What does he write?

c. What did the girls watch?

d. What did he discover?

e. When are you leaving?

f. Whose book is this?

g. How does he run?

h. What do you like?

i. How many students are there?

j. How was the film?


Extra Bit

Choose correct words from the brackets to complete the sentences.

a. Mary pronounces every word _____________…. . (clear/clearly)

b. We like to go sailing in _____________…. weather. (clear/clearly)

c. The teacher asked us an _____________…. question. (easy/easily)

d. I answered the teacher's question _____________…. . (easy/easily)

e. You speak English very _____________…. (good/well)

f. Your English is very _____________…. (good/well)

g. This is a _____________…. car. (slow/slowly)


For Unit 12 CLICKHERE.

For Contents CLICK HERE.


For unit ten CLICK HERE.

(My special thanks to Shiva Aryal from Kapiya Secondary School for preparing this material.)

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