Unit 14 History and Civilization
Look at the picture and talk about human evolution.
Reading I (page 169)
Look at the following pictures and answer these questions.
a. What is the name of the invention
shown in the picture?
b. Who was it developed by?
The Maya Empire
A. Match the following words from the text with
their meanings.
drought i. an instance of a large number of people or
things arriving somewhere
excel ii. a picture representing a word, syllable or
hieroglyph iii.
to be very good at doing something
iv. digging ground to look for old buried buildings or objects
concentration v.
a long period of time when there is little or no rain
invasion vi. a lot of something in one place
excavation vii.
more important, powerful or easy to notice than other things
a. drought
v. a long period of time when there is little or
no rain
b. excel
iii. to be very good at doing something
c. hieroglyph
a picture representing a word, syllable or sound
d. dominant vii. more important, powerful or easy to notice
than other things
e. concentration
vi. a lot of something in one place
f. invasion i.
an instance of a large number of people or things arriving somewhere
g. excavation
iv. digging ground to look for old
buried buildings or objects
B. Find the words in the text and fill in
the crossword puzzle.
2. people who follow
each other in time or order
4. a loss of power,
prosperity or status
5. complete with regard
to every detail
6. a union or
association formed for mutual benefit
1. complete disorder and
3. very complicated and
7. to use all of
something so that there is none left
2. succession
4. downfall
5. torture
6. alliance
1. chaos
3. elaborate
7. exhaust
C. Choose the correct answer.
a. When did the Maya
Civilisation reach its height?
sixth century AD ii. ninth century AD iii. 250 AD
b. Why were the Mayas
unlikely to be invaded by the Mesoamericans?
i. They had scattered
to many places. ii. They were concentrated in a particular area. iii. They
lived together with their relatives.
c. What has fascinated
researchers about the Mayas from the southern lowlands?
i. the
stone cities ii. the cultural
the pyramid buildings
d. Which period of the
Maya Civilisation is considered the golden age?
i. The
Medieval Period ii. The Classic
Period iii. The Pre-Classic Period
e. Whom did the Mayas consider their god?
i. nature ii.
the king iii.
the people
f. According to
scholars, which of the following is NOT the cause of Maya downfall?
i. environmental
exhaustion ii. internal warfare iii.
foreign invasion
a. i. sixth century AD
b. ii. They were concentrated in a particular area.
c. i. the stone cities
d. ii. The Classic Period
e. i. nature
f. iii. foreign invasion
D. Match the
paragraph numbers with respective information.
I i. occupation
of the earliest Maya society
II ii. number
of people in the Maya civilisation
III iii. achievement by the Maya civilisation in
different sectors
IV iv.
places where the Mayas lived
V v.
categories of the places
where the Mayans lived
VI vi.
spirituality of the Mayan people
VII vii. fights with the neighbouring states as the
possible cause of downfall
VIII viii. time when the downfall of the Maya
Civilisation started
I-I, II-
iv, III-v, IV-iii, V-ii, VI-vi, VII-viii, VIII-vii
E. Why is the study of history important to us?
Prepare a mindmap of your thoughts and discuss with your friends.
Grammar I (page
A. Compare
what Samita said in the past and what she says now.
I travel a lot. I'm
a hotel receptionist.
I play the piano. I've got lots of
I'm very lazy. I
never read newspapers.
I don't like cheese. I don't drink tea.
I've got a dog. I go to a lot of
I eat a lot of cheese now. My dog died two
years ago.
I work very hard these days. I read a newspaper
every day now.
I work in a bookshop now. I haven't been to a
party for ages.
I don't know many people these days. I haven't played the piano for years.
I don't go away much these days. Tea's great! I like it now.
make sentences using used to/didn't use to/never used to as in the example.
Example: She used to travel a lot but she doesn't go
away much these days.
used to travel a lot but she doesn't go away much these days.
used to play the piano but she hasn't played the piano for years.
used to be very lazy but she works very hard these days.
didn't use to like cheese but she eats a lot of cheese now.
used to have a dog but her dog died two years ago.
used to be a hotel receptionist but she works in a bookshop now.
used to have lots of friends but she doesn't know many people these days.
didn't use to read newspapers but she reads a newspaper every day now.
didn't use to drink tea but she likes it now.
used to go to a lot of parties but she hasn't been to a party for ages.
A. Rewrite the following sentences using used to or didn't use to.
I lived with my parents.
Did you swim in the river every summer?
He never smoked.
I played tennis at school.
Villagers walked for hours to reach the nearest
health post.
There was a dense forest around the village.
What did you do in your childhood?
I didn't write stories.
Did people travel by airplanes?
Where did you go to deposit your money?
I used to live with my parents.
Did you use to swim in the river every summer?
He didn't use to smoke.
I used to play tennis at school.
Villagers used to walk for hours to reach the nearest
health post.
There used to be a dense forest around the village.
What did you use to do in your childhood?
I didn't use to write stories.
Did people use to travel by airplanes?
Where did you use to go to deposit your money?
I (page 176)
A. Read the
following story carefully. Then give it a suitable title.
There lived a fox in a forest. One day, he thought of a plan to have fun
with a stork from the same forest. The fox always used to laugh at the
appearance of the stork.
"You must come and dine with me
today," he said to the stork, smiling to himself at the trick he was going
to play. The stork gladly accepted the invitation and arrived in good time and
with a very good appetite.
For dinner the fox served soup. But it was
set out in a very shallow dish, and all the stork could do was to wet only the
tip of his bill. He could not drink a single drop of the soup. But the fox
lapped it up easily, and, to increase the disappointment of the stork, made a
great show of his enjoyment.
The hungry stork was much displeased at the
trick, but he was a calm-tempered fellow and saw no good in flying into a rage.
Instead, not long afterward, he invited the fox to dine with him in turn. The
fox arrived promptly at the time that had been set, and the stork served a fish
dinner that had a very appetizing smell. But it was served in a tall jar with a
very narrow neck. The stork could easily get at the food with his long bill,
but the fox could only lick the outside of the jar, and sniff at the delicious
smell. And when the fox lost his temper, the stork said calmly, "Do not play
tricks on your neighbours unless you can stand the same treatment
The Fox and the Stork
B. Develop
readable stories based on the given outlines.
a. A king……….enemies
defeat him six times…… hides in a cave……… sees a spider……….. climbing the
wall…………fails for six times ………. succeeds on the 7th attempt ……….
the king learns a lesson. …….. collects
courage and attacks enemies……… succeed…….. moral
A Defeated King
Once upon a time, there was a king.
His name was Robert Bruce. He was attacked by other kings. He was defeated by
them. After being beaten by his enemies, he lost his kingdom. At any costs, he wanted
to retake his kingdom. He fought fiercely. He made a big troop of soldiers. He
attacked them but failed each and every time. He did six efforts but he had bad
fortune. Each time he got beaten. Finally, he decided to escape from there. He
left there and started to live in a cave.
While he was staying in the cave,
he saw a spider. The spider was trying to climb the cave's roof. But he failed
each and every time. The spider failed six times but didn’t lose hope. It tried
again and on the seventh attempt it got success. The king felt quite motivated.
He gathered his forces, attacked his enemies, boldly engaged them for the
seventh time, and ultimately succeeded over them. As a result, he found his
lost kingdom.
Moral: Perseverance is the root of success.
b. Two friends meet a bear….one climbs a tree …the other lies down as if dead….the bear smells his limbs…..goes away…..the first man comes down and asks….what the bear said……"beware of friends who run away in danger."…..moral
Selfish Friend
Once upon a time two friends were
strolling through the woods. They were aware that anything bad may happen to
them in the jungle at any time. They thus made a promise to one another that
they would stick together in the event of danger. Thus they were walking very
carefully in the forest.
They were frightened because they
saw a big bear heading their way. Immediately, one of the friends climbed a
neighboring tree. The other, though, was unable to climb. So, following his
common sense, he collapsed on the ground, appearing to be dead.
The bear approached the man who was
supine. It smelled in his ears before gently leaving the area. The bear thought
that he was dead so it left him. It was because bears do not handle the dead
animals. The other friend who was on the tree became surprise. He said, "What
did the bear say into your ears, my friend?" The friend on the on the
ground replied, "The bear cautioned me not to believe on deceptive friend."
Moral: True Friend is the one who always supports and stands by you in any situation.
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