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Unit 3 (Grade 8) Public Announcements - Reading I

 Unit 3 (Part I)

Reading I

Public Announcements

A. Find the correct words from the text to complete the sentences below.
a. We had to pay extra amount for our........ in the aeroplane.
b. Would you switch off all your ............ as the plane is going to take off?
c. Tomorrow is my parents' wedding..............
d. The Chief Guest will............... the prizes to the winners.
e. Please keep your seat in the................ position. The plane is going to land soon.
f. Our school will remain closed for 15 days on the.............. occasion of Dashain.


a. We had to pay extra amount for our baggage in the aeroplane.
b. Would you switch off all your
gadgets as the plane is going to take off?
c. Tomorrow is my parents' wedding
d. The Chief Guest will
confer the prizes to the winners.
e. Please keep your seat in the
upright position. The plane is going to land soon.
f. Our school will remain closed for 15 days on the
auspicious occasion of Dashain.


B. Write True or False for the following statements.
a. Pre-flight announcement is about the landing of an aeroplane.
b. Baggage should be kept either under the seat or in the overhead compartments.
c. Parents Day is going to be celebrated on March 21st.
d. A dance will be performed by professional artists on the Parents Day.
e. The photo session is scheduled at the beginning of the programme.


a. Pre-flight announcement is about the landing of an aeroplane. False
b. Baggage should be kept either under the seat or in the overhead compartments.
c. Parents Day is going to be celebrated on March 21st.
d. A dance will be performed by professional artists on the Parents Day.
e. The photo session is scheduled at the beginning of the programme.

C. Answer these questions.
a. What are the first and the second announcements about?
b. State the travel route of flight RA-402.
c. Why do you think the seats should be in the upright position during the take off?
d. Who is the Chief Guest on the Parents Day?
e. When and where is the Parents Day programme scheduled to be held?


a. The first announcement is a pre-flight announcement for Flight RA-402 and the second announcement is about the Parents Day celebration.
b. The travel route of flight RA-402 is from Kathmandu to New Delhi.
c. The seats should be in the upright position during takeoff for safety reasons. This position ensures that passengers are securely seated and provides better stability during the critical phase of takeoff.
d. The Chief Guest on the Parents Day celebration is the Mayor of Bardaghat Municipality.
e. The Parents Day program is scheduled to be held on the 22nd of March at 11:00 a.m.


D. Why do you think it is important to celebrate Parents Day?

Parents Day is important because it is the occasion in which parents get about the success and activities of the school and the children. It also provides the chance to express gratitude and appreciation towards our parents. They can get the chance to meet the school family and share their ideas for the betterment of school. The parents also take care of the school, support it, and love it and do many more for it. It's a special occasion to recognize their hard work, sacrifices, and the vital role they play in shaping our lives. Moreover, celebrating Parents Day allows to strengthen the bond between parents and children.

Grammar I (page 31)
A. Match the questions on the left with their reported speech.

Column A                 Column B
a. Can Sharmila read a book?         i. She asked if he loved playing tennis.
b. Was the waiter rude?                   ii. Elis asked whether she had a problem.
c. Is Punam his teacher?                  iii. The teacher asked if Sharmila could read a book.
d. Does she have a problem?-         iv. She asked if the boss had noticed the mistake.
e. Does he love playing tennis?     
v. My aunt wanted to know whether the waiter had been rude.

f. Did the boss notice the mistake? vi. They asked whether Punam was his teacher.

a. Can Sharmila read a book?         iii. The teacher asked if Sharmila could read a book.
b. Was the waiter rude?                  
v. My aunt want to know whether the waiter had been rude.
c. Is Punam his teacher?                  vi. They asked whether Punam was his teacher.
d. Does she have a problem?          ii. Elis asked whether she had a problem.
e. Does he love playing tennis?      i. She asked if he loved playing tennis.
f. Did the boss notice the mistake?iv. She asked if the boss had noticed the mistake.

B. Change the following questions into reported speech.
a. Does she spend her money on books?
My father asked …………………..

b. Did the farmer decide to sell her old oxen?
They asked …………………..

c. Can I borrow your pen?
She asked …………………..

d. Should the students concentrate on their studies?
Rajani asked …………………..

e. Will you come to my housewarming party tomorrow?
Milan asked if …………………..

f. Was Srijana born in this hospital?
My friend wanted to know …………………..

g. Did he put the spoon on the table?
The waiter questioned …………………..

h. Is his mother a professor of History?
My father asked …………………..

i. Has his sister gone to market?
Rachana inquired …………………..

j. Are you a foreigner?
She asked …………………..



a. My father asked if she spent her money on books.
b. They asked
if the farmer had decided to sell her old oxen.
c. She asked
if she could borrow my pen.

d. Rajani asked if the students should concentrate on their studies.
e. Milan asked
if I would come to his housewarming party the following day.
f. My friend wanted to know
if Srijana had been born in that hospital.
g. The waiter questioned
if he had put the spoon on the table.
h. My father asked
if his mother was a professor of History.
i. Rachana inquired
if his sister had gone to market.
j. She asked
if I was a foreigner.

Writing I

Write a short announcement on behalf of class captain/monitor to celebrate any one event (e.g. Children's Day) at your school. Include what, when, where, who and how the event is going to be celebrated. Also request people to attend the function.


Children's Day Announcement

I am pleased to announce that we will be celebrating Children's Day at our school on the 16th June. The event will take place in the school auditorium at 11:00 a.m.

We have planned a fun-filled program with games, performances, and special activities for all the students. Our teachers and staff have put in a lot of effort to make this day memorable for all of us.

We kindly request all students, teachers, parents, and staff to attend the function and join us in celebrating the joy and innocence of childhood. Let's come together and make this Children's Day a day to remember.

Thank you!

Class Monitor


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