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Unit 3 (Health and Wellness) Class 10 Part II

 Unit 3 Health and Wellness

Reading II (page 42)

A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life

A. Consult a dictionary or the internet and define the following words/phrases.

a. wonderfood

b. cardiovascular diseases

c. bioeconomy

d. demographic change

e. multidisciplinary approach

f. economic inequalities

g. neurological disorders

h. biomarkers



a. Wonderfood: A term used to describe a food item that is believed to have exceptional nutritional or health benefits.

b. Cardiovascular disease: A group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels, including conditions such as heart attacks, stroke, and coronary artery disease.
c. Bioeconomy: An economic system that uses biological resources such as crops, forests, and marine resources to produce goods and services.

d. Demographic change: A shift in the characteristics of a population over time, such as changes in age, gender, race, or ethnic composition.

e. Multidisciplinary approach: An approach to problem-solving or research that involves experts from multiple fields or disciplines working together to achieve a common goal.
f. Economic inequalities: Differences in income, wealth, and access to resources and opportunities that exist between different individuals, groups, or countries.

g. Neurological disorders: A broad category of disorders that affect the nervous system, including conditions such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and epilepsy.

h. Biomarkers: Biological indicators that can be used to measure a particular process or condition in the body, such as the presence of a disease or the effectiveness of a treatment.


B. Complete the sentences below with one of the words in red from the text above.

a. The children were especially …………. that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.

b. The organization held its annual ……… in New York this year. The health ministers of more than forty countries attended it.

c. It is ………. that makes any organizations successful one.

d Your life changes ………..if you perform well in your study.

e. Mr. Gurung is leaving the job because of ………disease of a disease.

f. Early …….. of a disease helps us to cure it soon.

g. We have faced ………. level of climate change at present.

h. The patient may need blood work or other ……….. to determine his specific health problem.

h. The world looked for different …………  to find the solution to COVID-19.



a. The children were especially delighted that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.

b. The organization held its annual conference in New York this year. The health ministers of more than forty countries attended it.

c. It is innovation that makes any organization a successful one.

d. Your life changes dramatically if you perform well in your study.

e. Mr. Gurung is leaving the job because of chronic/ cardiovascular disease.

f. Early diagnosis of a disease helps us to cure it soon.

g. We have faced an unprecedented level of climate change at present.

h. The patient may need blood work or other biomarkers to determine his specific health problem.
i. The world looked for different
multidisciplinary approaches to find the solution to COVID-19.

C. Choose the best alternatives to complete the following sentences.

a The greatest public health challenge at present is ………

i.  cancer        ii. diabetes     iii. obesity     iv. cardiovascular disease

b. The Joint Programming Initiative will bring the …………. of member states together.

i. lifestyle       ii. economy    iii. challenge              iv. knowledge

c. The health care innovation chain begins from …………

i. researchers             ii. biomarkers            iii. diagnostics           iv. regulators

d. The need behind multidisciplinary approach is ………..

i. the unchanged pattern of food purchase and consumption

ii. the lack of effective treatments for patients

iii. the poor quality of life

iv. the lack of progress in research and innovation

e. Through this speech, the speaker wants to......

i. open the conference on the Joint Programming Initiative

ii. invite new public health challenge

iii. launch the programme 'A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life'

iv. appeal the members of EU for collaboration for research and innovation


a. The greatest public health challenge at present is obesity.

b. The Joint Programming Initiative will bring the knowledge of member states together.

c. The health care innovation chain begins from researchers.

d. The need behind multidisciplinary approach is the lack of progress in research and innovation.

e. Through this speech, the speaker wants to appeal to the members of EU for collaboration for research and innovation.


D. Answer the following questions.

a. What topic is the speaker talking about when she says, "It's a topic that's never out of the media...?

b. According to the speaker, what is the cause of obesity among children in the EU? What should people do to prevent themselves from the diseases like type 2 diabetes?

d. What is Horizon 2020?

e. Why is research very important to fight against the health challenges?

f. What result can Horizon 2020 give if it is implemented effectively?

g. What results does the speaker expect from the conference?

h. Do you think that the people of the EU will be benefitted by this conference? If yes, what benefits will they get?



a.  The speaker is talking about healthy diets and lifestyles when she says, "It's a topic that's never out of the media...?

b. According to the speaker, the cause of obesity among children in the EU is poor diet and low physical activity.

c. People should adopt better lifestyles and healthier diets to prevent themselves from the diseases like type 2 diabetes.

d. Horizon 2020 is a Europe's 80-billion euro research and innovation program designed to tackle society's biggest challenges.

e. Research is very important to fight against the health challenges to benefit all patients, and prevent many people from developing disease in the first phase.

f. Horizon 2020 can give excellent progress on research and innovation for healthy diets and healthy lives if it is implemented effectively.

g. The speaker expects to unlock national funding for research and to actively engage in aligning national research programmes and innovation policies from the conference.

h. Yes, the people of the EU will be benefitted by this conference. They get the benefits which include to improve life style, to give better knowledge about how to prevent chronic diseases, innovative and effective products, treatments, services, and strategies, and opportunities for competitive European businesses.


E. Draft a short speech entitled, 'Importance of Exercise for Healthy Life'.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today I am going to pour my views on 'Importance of Exercise for Healthy Life'. In order to have a healthy and meaningful life, exercise is essential. Physical exercise frequently takes a backseat in today's technologically-dominated, sedentary society. But frequent exercise is essential for general health.


First and foremost, exercise is crucial for preserving a healthy weight. Physical activity aids in calorie burning, body fat reduction, and muscular growth. Exercise can help reduce obesity and its related health concerns, such as diabetes, heart disease, and some kinds of cancer, when combined with a healthy diet.


Second, physical activity enhances cardiovascular health. Running, swimming, or cycling are regular aerobic exercises that strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation. It improves overall cardiovascular fitness, lowers the risk of heart disease, and lowers blood pressure.


Thirdly, physical activity has a significant impact on mental health. Endorphins, or "feel-good" chemicals, are released when you exercise and they help to lower tension, anxiety, and despair. Regular exercise raises self-esteem, lifts the mood, and sharpens the mind.

Exercise also encourages healthier sleep habits. Exercise improves both the quality and length of sleep by regulating sleep cycles. A rested body and mind are more productive and perform better on a general physical and mental level.


In conclusion, physical activity is essential to living a healthy life. It improves mental wellness, encourages sound sleep, and aids in maintaining a healthy weight and cardiovascular health. For us to achieve and maintain a high quality of life, frequent exercise must be a part of our daily routines.

Thank you.


Grammar II (Page 48)

A. Circle the correct words to complete these sentences.

a. The doctor told me do/to do some exercise every day.

b. She said, "Don't shout / Not to shout."

c. The doctor forbade me to eat / not to eat junk food.

d. I told her, "To speak /Speak slowly."

e. Sumina promised to tell no one /not to tell anyone.

f. My mother said, "To get / Get out of bed early."

g. The mountain guide warned him to take /not to take the oxygen cylinder.

h. Sugam said to me, "Go/To go home and take a rest."

i. He ordered us we go out /to get out of his way.

j. The librarian requested them please do not make /not to make a noise.


a. The doctor told me to do some exercise every day.

b. She said, "Don't shout."

c. The doctor forbade me to eat junk food.

d. I told her, "Speak slowly."

e. Sumina promised not to tell anyone.

f. My mother said, "Get out of bed early."

g. The mountain guide warned him not to take the oxygen cylinder.

h. Sugam said to me, "Go home and take a rest."

i. He ordered us to get out of his way.

j. The librarian requested them not to make a noise.


B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. Use the reporting verbs in brackets.

a. "Bring some sugar, Punita." she said. (ask)

b. "You must submit your assignment soon," the teacher said. (tell)

c. "Remember to come early, Anu," he said. (remind)

d. "You should see a doctor, Mrs. Tamang,' he said. (advise)

e. "Keep all the window open, Nona," my father said. (warn)

f. "Go home, Prashun," Furba said. (tell)


a. She asked Punita to bring some sugar.

b. The teacher told us that we had to submit our assignment soon.

c. He reminded Anu to come early.

d. He advised Mrs. Tamang that she should see a doctor.

e. My father warned Nona to keep all the window open.

f. Furba told Prashun to go home. 

C. Report the following sentences in direct speech.

a. The hermit said, "Don't idle away your time."

b. Madan said to his friend, "Please help me with money."

c. "Be not afraid, noble prince", said the Guru.

d. He said to me, "Let me do my work."

e. The General said to his troops, "Guard the fort."

f. Aaswin said to the teacher, "Please excuse me, madam."

g. The guide said to the visitors, "Follow me carefully."

h. My teacher said to me, "Don't look behind."

i. Mother said to the daughter, "Get ready to receive the guests."

j. The boy said to the daughter, "Get ready to receive the guests."

k. The teacher said to the boys, "Read silently."

l. The coach said, "Let's play a friendly football match."

m. The monk said to us, "Give up bad habits."

n. Father said to me, "Do not tell a lie."


a. The hermit told me not to idle away my time.

b. Madan requested his friend to help him with money.

c. The Guru told noble prince not to be afraid.

d. He told me to let him do his work.

e. The General told his troops to guard the fort.

f. Aaswin requested the teacher to excuse him.

g. The guide told the visitors to follow him carefully.

h. My teacher told me not to look behind.

i. Mother told the daughter to get ready to receive the guests.

j. The boy told the daughter to get ready to receive the guests.

k. The teacher told the boys to read silently.

l. The coach suggested us that we should play a friendly football match.

m. The monk told us to give up bad habits.

n. Father told me not to tell a lie.


Writing II (page 49)

Obesity has become a matter of concern in recent years. Draft a speech on obesity based on the given guiding questions.

What are the primary causes of obesity?

What are its consequences?

What should an individual do to avoid it?

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm here today to talk to you about a serious issue: obesity. It is a problem that has received a lot of attention lately, and its effects on our society cannot be ignored. I'll go through the main reasons for obesity, its effects, and what people can do to prevent it in this lecture.


Let's start by looking at the main reasons behind obesity. A sedentary lifestyle with little exercise and too much screen time is the main contributing factor. Modern technology's ease has reduced physical activity by keeping us seated more often. Additionally, unsound eating practices are quite important. It has become far too normal to eat processed foods rich in calories and drink sugary drinks. These elements, in addition to genetic predispositions.


Let's now think about the effects of obesity. Obesity affects our health in profound ways and goes beyond simply being overweight. Obese people are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Obesity also has a negative impact on mental health, contributing to social isolation, despair, and low self-esteem. Additionally, obesity has a huge financial impact due to higher healthcare expenses and decreased productivity.


So, what can people do to prevent obesity? Establishing a healthy lifestyle is the first step. Physical activity is essential. Exercises like walking, running, swimming, or cycling help burn calories and keep weight in check. A healthy diet is crucial, in addition to exercise. Place a greater emphasis on eating fresh produce, healthy grains, and lean meats while consuming fewer processed and high-calorie items. The key is careful eating and portion management.


Additionally, it is crucial to spread the word about the value of exercise and a good diet. To encourage healthy habits, education efforts should target companies, communities, and schools. The availability of inexpensive, wholesome food alternatives and opportunity for exercise can have a big influence on obesity rates.


In conclusion, obesity is a complicated problem with many different root causes and serious repercussions. To tackle this obstacle, everyone must work together. People may take charge of their health and prevent obesity by living a healthy lifestyle, exercising frequently, and making educated eating decisions. Let's work to create a society where everyone has the chance to live a happy and healthy life.

Thank you.


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  1. Hajurko Grammar II ko C ko J number ma mistake cha
