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Unit 5 (Grade 8) Free Birds Reading II

 Unit 5 (Part II)

Reading II (page 57)


Summary of Free Bird

The poem "Free Birds" is a motivational piece encouraging students to persevere and work hard towards their goals. It urges them to be determined and to overcome any obstacles that come their way. The poem emphasizes the importance of recognizing the strength within oneself and not giving up in the face of challenges. The author also emphasizes the value of time and encourages the students to use it wisely. Lastly, the poem reminds the students to be patriotic and love their country. Overall, "Free Birds" is a message of hope and inspiration for students to follow their dreams and become successful in life while also being responsible citizens of their nation.

A. Find the words from the poem that match with the following meanings.

a. ................ things that make it more difficult for somebody to do something

b. ................the ability to do something dangerous

c. ................a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country.

d. ................ (of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to fly

e. ................ an excursion or a journey made for some specific purpose

f. ................ difficult to believe; extraordinary


a. Hindrances

b. Courage

c. Patriot

d. Flap

e. Expedition

f. Incredible

A. Answer these questions.

a. What are students compared with in the poem?

b. How can students overcome the hindrances on their way?

c. How is it possible to achieve your goal?

d. Why is it necessary to value time?

e. How can we make our country a piece of heaven?


a. Students are compared to free birds in the poem.

b. Students overcome the hindrances on their way with determination.

c. It is possible to achieve our goal by recognizing the courage within and giving it a try.

d. Time and tide waits for none so, it is necessary to value time.

e. We can make our country a piece of heaven being a true patriot.

Grammar II

Change the following sentences into reported speech as in the example.

Example: Bring me a glass of cold water.

My mother told me to bring her a glass of cold water.

a. Please open the window.

She asked me .......................................

b. Do not waste your time.

My teacher advised us .................................

c. Speak the truth.

The old man suggested us ..............................

d. Avoid eating unhealthy food.

My grandmother told him  .................................

e. Please come to my birthday party.

Ranjana requested me  .....................................

f. Clean the room.

My brother told me ...........................................

g. Do everything in time.

My parents advised us .....................................

h. Give up bad habits.

The monk advised us..................................


a. She asked me to open the window.

b. My teacher advised us not to waste our time.

c. The old man suggested us to speak the truth.

d. My grandmother told him to avoid eating.

e. Ranjana requested me to come to her birthday.

f. My brother told me to clean the room.

g. My parents advised us to do everything in time.

h. The monk advised us to give up bad habits.



A. Rewrite the following paragraph with the correct punctuation marks.

david didnt really like school but he did enjoy practical subjects where he could use his hands to make things he also loved biology because he could draw lots of diagrams and do experiments In fact his mother once told him that he should become a surgeon


David didn't really like school, but he did enjoy practical subjects where he could use his hands to make things. He also loved biology because he could draw lots of diagrams and do experiments, In fact, his mother once told him that he should become a surgeon.


B. Develop a story with the help of the clues given below. Give a suitable title to the story.

A crow sticks some peacock feathers ........ flies to peacocks.... claim peacock as relatives...... they drive him away.... fly to ducks ....... ducks also drive him away.... crow is left alone............. friendless......

The Crow's Mistake

Once upon a time, a crow found some peacock feathers lying on the ground.  He stuck the feathers onto his body and flew to the place where the peacocks lived. When he saw the peacocks, he claimed to be one of them and said that he was their relative. But the peacocks recognized him as a crow and drove him away. The crow, feeling ashamed, flew away and tried to find some new friends. He flew to a pond where some ducks were swimming. When the ducks saw him, they laughed and said, "You are not a duck, you are a crow with fake feathers!" The ducks also drove him away, leaving the crow alone and friendless.

Moral: We should be happy with what we have.


(My special thanks to Kanchan Chaudhary of Khairahani Secondary School for preparing this material.)


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